61. 此面公母模1度靠破,會有段差,可否接受
(Please confirm whether it is ok to have mismatch to the area where there is 1 degree of shut off
in Core / Cavity side.)
62. 這個尺寸能否加大 (Please confirm whether we can enlarge this dimension.)
63. 此處加一個凹槽,膠片的彈出效果會更好一些,試模後看裝配的效果再做修正
"(It will affect the elastic of the film better if we add a recess. See how it will affect the
assembly parts,
and then make your decision.)"
64. 此處有倒勾,建議將剖面線所示部位CUT即可避免此處的倒勾
(There is an undercut here, we suggest cutting out the indicated part as it highlighted to avoid an
65. 成型後SUB GATE要修平 (The gate (sub gate) needs to be trimmed evenly after being moulded.)
66. 此處倒勾先垂直頂出,之後再手動取出
(This area of the undercut needs to be ejected vertically, then taken out manually.)
67. 這兩個面都有滑塊,GATE改在此處改不到
(The gate is not suitable in this area becuase there are two sliding blocks sealing off this area.)
68. 此處加做一個旋轉GATE,射出時方便調整成品的品質
(We would suggest placing a runner shut-off insert to adjust the volume of part filling.)
69. 此倒勾在滑塊上強迫脫模,倒勾是否可以減小到0.6
(This undercut will be force ejected out, Please confirm whether it can be reduced to 0.6 mm.)
70. 此柱子無法脫模,請確認是否是在轉圖時錯位,能否提供客戶的原始圖檔 data. )
(This boss is not releasable. Please check the file again and if possible, pleas re-send us the
original draft71. 此柱子是實心的,會縮水 (This boss will shrink because it is a solid boss.)
72. 這個面是否要咬花,咬花番號是什麼,最小的拔模角要多大
(Please confirm whether this surface needs to be textured or not. Please advise texture specs.
Also, what's the min. draft. )
73. 這個面是否要打光,貼標簽
(Please confirm whether this surface needs to be polished and stuck on a sticker.)
74. 紅色顯示的幾個面拔模角太小,出模時會拉傷,建議加大拔模角
"(The red highlighted area has a problem of a small draft angle. We suggest enlarging the
draft to avoid casuing drag marks on the part.)"
75. 此RIB太薄,會填充不足 (This rib can not be filled properly because it is too thin.)
76. 此RIB太厚,會縮水 (This rib will have a shrink problem because it is too thick.)
77. 此處倒勾出模困難,建議先不做倒勾,成型後再二次加工,但要做治具,費用要另外算
(There are problems with this current design, we recommend doing this undercut as an alternative
but there will be additional costs.)
78. 柱子底部都要做火山口
(The base of all bosses require a crater to avoid shrinkage.)
Insert/PL should have adequate venting,PL should have around slot for venting.
the surface of KO insert shound below bottom plate 0.5mm,thread M20.
RP,EGP should have 0.5mm gap with the moldbase.
Venting slot distance from the seal off position 10-15mm
82.运水进用 E ,运水出用 S ;
Top/Bottom plate must have insulator plate,DME standard 1/4'H
Eyebolt should on the center of the mold(for balance)
The eyebolt position on the cavity/core side should on the center of gravity for balance
Sprue type:Trial/Delivery
Plug use NPT spec.
Use HASCO ball EGP
Jiffy Use French Standard: 1/4" mark:RPL08-1151