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    Jingxia Yu
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    Browse volume:138 | Reply:0 | Release time:2008-08-18 09:51:26
    /Ft/+辅音 ² /Ft/+/p/ mashed potatoes /mAF pE`teitEuz/ ² /Ft/+/t/ finished today’s work /finiF tE`deis wE:k/ ² /Ft/+/k/ finished class /finiF klB:s/ ² /Ft/+/f/ cherished friends /tFeriF frendz/ ² /Ft/+/s/ pushed switch /puF switF/ ² /Ft/+/W/ pushed them /puF Wem/ ² /Ft/+/F/ finished shaping /finiF `FeipiN/ ² /Ft/+/tF/ smashed church /smAF tFEtF/ ² /Ft/+/b/ smashed bulk /smAF bQlk/ ² /Ft/+/d/ smashed defence /smAF di`fens/ ² /Ft/+/g/ smashed gate /smAF geit/ ² /Ft/+/v/ smashed vase /smAF vB:z/ ² /Ft/+/z/ smashed zeal /smAF zi:l/ ² /Ft/+/T/ push the boat out /puF TE bEut aut/ ² /Ft/+/h/ smashed hut /smAF hQt/ ² /Ft/+/dV/ smashed dream /smAF dri:m/ ² /Ft/+/l/ finished late /finiF leit/ ² /Ft/+/m/ dashed man /dAF mAn/ ² /Ft/+/n/ finished now /finiF nEu/ ² /Ft/+/w/ dashed with /dAF wiT/ ² /Ft/+/j/ smashed Europe /smAF `juErEp/ ² /Ft/+/r/ smashed resistance /smAF ri`zistEns/ /nd/+辅音 ² /nd/+/p/ lend paper to /len `peip[ tu:/ ² /nd/+/t/ yearned to /j tu:/ ² /nd/+/k/ lend colour to /len `kQl[/ ² /nd/+/f/ found five /faun faiv/ ² /nd/+/s/ planned strategy /plAn strAtidVi/ ² /nd/+/W/ lend thermos /len W[:m[s/ ² /nd/+/F/ a thousand ships /Waus[n Fips/ ² /nd/+/tF/ a thousand chairs /Waus[n tFZ[z/ ² /nd/+/b/ bend back /ben bAk/ ² /nd/+/d/ a thousand dollars /Waus[n dRl[s/ ² /nd/+/g/ shined glass /Fain gla:s/ ² /nd/+/v/ compound verb /kRmpaun v[b/ ² /nd/+/z/ a thousand zooms /Waus[n zu:mz/ ² /nd/+/T/ lend the name to sb /len Ti neim/ ² /nd/+/h/ a thousand hats /Waus[n hAts/ ² /nd/+/dV/ a thousand judges /Waus[n dVQdViz/ ² /nd/+/l/ lend-lease /len li:s/ ² /nd/+/m/ tinned meat /tin mi:t/ ² /nd/+/n/ lend now /len nau/ ² /nd/+/w/ lend oneself to /len wQn`self tu:/ ² /nd/+/j/ lend you /len ju:/ ² /nd/+/r/ a thousand riddles /Waus[n ridlz/
    Concern (0
    Reply:0 | Release time:2024-10-04 18:33:07