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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > China plans tariffs after latest US trade threat
    China plans tariffs after latest US trade threat
    Browse volume:272 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-08-06 11:05:24

    China has said it will levy new tariffs on more than 5,200 US products, if the White House moves forward with its latest tariff threat.

    The State Council outlined the plan just days after the US said it was considering higher tariffs on USD 200bn of Chinese goods than initially planned.

    Chinese officials accused the US of "unilaterally" heightening tensions between the two economic giants.

    They said the duties would range from 5%-25% on USD 60bn worth of US products.

    The White House says its tariffs are a response to China’s "unfair" trade policies, including subsidies and rules that require foreign companies in some sectors to bring on local partners.

    President Donald Trump blames the practices for putting US companies at a disadvantage and helping to create a trade deficit.

    "Instead of retaliating, China should address the longstanding concerns about its unfair trading practices," Sarah Sanders, White House press secretary, said on Friday.

    The tariffs follow talks this spring that failed to produce an agreement.

    A first round of tariffs came into effect on 6 July, when the US imposed 25% taxes on USD 34bn of Chinese imports. China retaliated in kind.

    Tariffs on another USD 16bn worth of products are pending, the second part of tariffs on USD 50bn worth of imports that the US announced in March.

    US threats have escalated since, with the president saying he is ready to impose tariffs on all USD 500bn of Chinese imports.

    In July, the US published a list of USD 200bn-worth of additional products to be hit with tariffs of 10% - a figure the US is now considering raising to 25%.

    In Friday’s announcement, China said it is readying tariffs on US items that include agriculture and energy products, leather and machinery.

    Beijing said the timing of the new tariffs would depend on whether the US follows through on its threat.

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