Company PETROLHEM DOO is a private company registered in Serbia on 1992 year.
Today in our business activity we have a few divisions responsible for the business in PETROLHEM.
We are operate on domestic, Balkan and Europe market.
We collaborate with a lot of manufacturers in our country.
We are investing in some of area of our business, trading and have a cooperation with our partners.
We are growing in our farms about 3000 MT of apple and other fruits and vegetables.
Responsible divisions for our company business are as follow:
-AGRO PRODUCTS and FOOD: Fresh fruits and vegetables and processed food products
-PETROCHEMICALS: Base oils, MEG , Paraffin ,etc.
-ENERGY: Renewable energy and applications by ESES brand.
-NONFERROUS METALS and PRODUCTS: Zn,Pb,Sn,Cu and alloys; Cu-rod, Cu-tubes, Cables.