Tiko International Trading Ltd_Garment, jeans, cell phones, underware, shoes, digital camera, socks, used jeans, other used grade A clothing, baby, infant, ladies clothing._Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    • Tiko International Trading Ltd Follow
    • Garment, jeans, cell phones, underware, shoes, digital camera, socks, used jeans, other used grade A clothing, baby, infant, ladies clothing.
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns
    • p·jones
      1. Company Manager
    • Telephone:1-604-7791469
    • Fax:1-604-8388888
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      1. Seven Ages Trading Co.
      2. 27 Larner Drive, Ajax, Ontario, Canada
      1. Tiko International Trading Ltd
      2. 230 8351 ALEXANDRA ROAD, VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada
      1. Softgalaxy Technologies Inc.
      2. 407-86 St. SW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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    About Us

    We are an import, export company based in Vancouver, Canada. We are always interested in stocklot, liquidated, overstock items of all sorts specially garments, items of clothing for babies, children, men and ladies. Digital and web cameras, cell phone accessories for Nokia phones only. We are always interested to hear from manufacturers, agents, brokers in Ladies underware, baby, infant clothing, toys, puzzles, sports shoes, jeans, etc. Please contact us if you have anything interesting and if you are serious about selling your products and have it available.

    We also have access to large amount of used grade A jeans of mix brands, sizes, colours at $1.50 to $2.00 a pair among lots of other goods.

    Company Detailed Information
    • Year of Registration:
      No Provide
    • Scale of Company:
      5 - 10 People
    • Annual Turnover:
      1-2.5 million dollars
    • Export Percentage:
      No Provide
    • Export Model:
      No Provide
    • ISO certification:
      No Provide
    • Nature of Business:
    • Main Products:
      Garment, jeans, cell phones, underware, shoes, digital camera, socks, used jeans, other used grade A clothing, baby, infant, ladies clothing.
    • Export Markets:
    Company Certificate
    Company Image Display