Advance Lens embarked on its venture in 1985, a Malaysian based company dedicated to supplying reliable optical products. Solely focused upon customer service, coupled with an adaptable approach to provide reliable product which gives Advance Lens the strength it needs to prosper. Our commitment with latest technologies, optical know-how and efficient services will bring good to the Ophthalmic Industry. Fascinated with reliability and durability of the optical products, Advance Lens is always looking for advancement.
Our Motto
What we see depend upon what we are looking for.
Our Features
We offer a carefully selected wide range of stock lenses as well as tailor-made grind single vision, bifocal, and advanced free-form progressive lenses. Giving the best updated solutions for myopias, hyperopias, astigmatism, and presbyopias. We are serving the optical industry with the state of the art technology and techniques. Our day to day marketing promotions prove to be perfect for optometry practices in order to beat the competition and increase revenue. Many well known brands from all over the world, like Younger, SCL, MEI and ASAHI and many more are proudly associated with us. Today, many optical retailers use our products to maintain a competitive edge. We hope to serve better than the rest and determined to become one of the optical market leading brands.