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Ural Instrument Making Plant_Aviahorizon AGB-3K Series 3,Aviahorizon AGR-74,Aviahorizon AGK-77,Comparison and limit-of-roll unit BSPK-1,Compact gyrovertical MGV-1,Pressure signalling device ELRP-27-1270_Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
Aviahorizon AGB-3K Series 3,Aviahorizon AGR-74,Aviahorizon AGK-77,Comparison and limit-of-roll unit BSPK-1,Compact gyrovertical MGV-1,Pressure signalling device ELRP-27-1270
No. 18, Changping Avenue, Changping Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
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Less than 5 People
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Less than 1 million dollars
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Main Products:
Aviahorizon AGB-3K Series 3,Aviahorizon AGR-74,Aviahorizon AGK-77,Comparison and limit-of-roll unit BSPK-1,Compact gyrovertical MGV-1,Pressure signalling device ELRP-27-1270