We are pleased to invite you to cooperation with our company "Hasse" Ltd. in production of fur pattern for furs coat and hats and articles.
Mr. Michael Hasse, an experienced designer and professional furrier in Director of this firm is a furrier, skilled designer and professional foreman Michael Hasse.
For 15 years Mister Hasse has been working on Russian market. During this time he cooperated with such well known fashion designers as Igor Chapurin, Irina Krutikova; Tatiana Kotegova; Larisa Pogoretskaya and Vaycheslav Zaitsev.
Kira Hasse, his wife, graduated in Saint-Petersburg Theatrical Academy in European theatrical performance and history, in 2000 graduated in European school of economics (London, UK) for fashion business course, graduated after educational program in design school like designer and constructor for hats and accessories.
Company from Michael Hasse and Kira organize in Russian Federation 5 years ago "The first Furrier school in Russia of Michael Hasse". At this moment they have more then 575 students graduated like a furrier, constructor and designer for furrier coat and hats around the Russian Federation and abroad
( Finland, Canada,USA).
They have own education program, 90 % practice and 10 % learning educational material.
Their joint collections where fur is combined with other fabrics, are executed according to style of tomorrow, it is fashionable and professional. They have commercial success on the market and satisfy various clients tastes. And by our self we produce every year tasted furs collection with new furs trends. Every year we are involved in furs participants "Shapo"-hats exhibition (www.kordon.ru) and
"Mexa Moscow" ( www.owp-tradefairs.com)
1. Patterns for furs coats, assessors and hats are relevant and done for production with technicals description.
2. We are keeping new ideas for the last world furs collection. And usually we take part in top-level world furs fairs.
3. Realization of each pattern in Fur is quite simple because its technology is well considered.
4. Fur production created on the base of our Pattern is popular during several seasons.
We know this from so much work experience years with different Russian furs factory.
5. Our idea for design of pattern in combination with fur should be nice and harmonious and economical style.
6. Every furs pattern created by hand technological process and after our experience with strong material and experience with different type of furs, we make collection by our self and we are waiting offer from clients, what is the best, and only after that we are sure to representative pattern for furs factories.
7. We are working not only for mass production, for exclusive collection for pattern of furs coat too.
8. We are working for Your result and we are ready to help with technological process to make nice looking furs coat too.
We would like find a nice creative partner for co-operation with us! Please send to us some of the information about your company and institutions.
Best regards,
Kira Hasse,
Chief of design center "Hasse" tm
Michael Hasse,
Chief of "Furrier School of Michael Hasse"
"Hasse" ltd
For further information, please, contact us:
Tambovskaya st. 63, of.15
Russia, Saint-Petersburg
192007, T/F. 007 (812)493-20-21,