Our company provides its clients with information about business and manufacturing opportunities in Slovak, eventually Czech, republic. Among our customers in Slovakia there are many different companies. Most of them are engineering, woodindustry and foodindustry companies, companies producing plastics or pasteboard packages, printing stations and business companies. But there are also companies from other fields of manufacturing, e.g. consumer industry (textiles, footwear, toys etc.). Some of these companies employ several thousands people and their annual turnover is higher than 50 mil. Euros. Others employ only a few people and their annual turnover is only million euros.
All of our customers receive from us daily information about the latest business opportunities or cooperation, i.e. if we get an offer from you today, we will forward it to all our clients by e-mail or post.
Thus if you have a proposal, send it to us with all the details. We will try to find the most suitable partners for you, and then you can choose. In case that you just wish to explore the market and the opportrunities of cooperation, you can also send it to us. Just make a note that your proposal is not binding but informative.