HOEHENRAINER DELIKATESSEN GMBH_smoked turkey breast,turkey paprika breast,turkey grill roast,turkey bacon,turkey hot dog_Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    • smoked turkey breast,turkey paprika breast,turkey grill roast,turkey bacon,turkey hot dog
      Lauser Str. 1, Grosshoehenrain, Germany
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns
    • Christoph·Vorac
      1. Company Manager
    • Telephone:49-8063-974331
    • Website:http://ky.to/www.hoehenrainer.com
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      1. Sossna GmbH
      1. Professional Hair care
      2. Haidgraben 9A, Ottorunn, Germany
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    About Us

    100% pure turkey products in halal quality

    Hoehenrainer is Germany's oldest turkey specialist and exists for more than 50 years now. We provide a big know-how in producing turkey ham and sausage products made of 100% pure turkey meat and offer a range of mores than 35 high quality products: turkey breasts, various different turkey sausages, traditional low-fat sliced meats and an extensive range of convenience products - all in halal quality.

    Natural & healthy

    You will find the company Hoehenrainer just a stone's throw away from Munich / Germany: about 40 km southeast in the soft hills before the Alps.

    Highest quality - made in Germany

    Hoehenrainer stands for excellent products, highest German quality standards and resolute customer service: over the years, the Hoehenrainer brand became a symbol for qualitative excellence. Our employees feel responsible for the quality of our products. They process all our goods, so it is their commitment and care that ensures these high standards.

    Tasty, low fat & high protein

    Our customers appreciate our products as very tasty and low in fat. They know where they come from, know they are of best quality and know they will always taste great.

    Best service

    Tradition, honesty, fair partnership and continuous improvement are very important to us. We interact open and fair. Our relationship with suppliers, employees and customers alike are based on the tenets of trust, reliability and commitment, and this is what makes us successful.

    Company Detailed Information
    • Year of Registration:
    • Scale of Company:
      101 - 200 People
    • Annual Turnover:
      Less than 1 million dollars
    • Export Percentage:
      No Provide
    • Export Model:
      No Provide
    • ISO certification:
      No Provide
    • Nature of Business:
    • Main Products:
      smoked turkey breast,turkey paprika breast,turkey grill roast,turkey bacon,turkey hot dog
    • Export Markets:
      No Provide
    Company Certificate
    Company Image Display