Located in Itajai City, Brazil, since 1994, Trade Junior is a foreign trade advisory and consulting company. It gives all the support to the Fundacao Universidade do Vale do Itajai in its foreign trade processes. The company also provides services to companies that act or wish to act in the international market.
Through this letter we are very glad to introduce you the services that the company offers.
Our main business is the International Market Research, Offered to companies that wish to enlarge theirs business, the research helps to find the better deals for import and export goods all over the world. In this service we offered international Negotiation, such as exports of original brazilian products. We deal with importers or exporters, the selling and buying conditions like, Incoterm, payment terms, international freight, price, advisory, and other important stages of the deal. Our customers receive the best information to do the better negotiation.
Feel free to contact us.
Best Regards