DHX Trading, Denmark is a trading company that engages in export of Danish / European organic food products to China and import of electronics, consumer goods and art items from China to Denmark / EU. The company is VAT registered in Danish and the European Union, and is the process of getting authorisation from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. The company is expected to be fully functional by 1st May 2014.
Our vision is three-fold:
1. Provide Chinese consumers with the ecological food products from Denmark and EU and introduce a healthy and safe food culture and life style for our Chinese customers. We cooperate with several imported-food distributors in China and operate from a solid and safe platform with proper licensing of both the Danish, European Union and Chinese authorities.
2. Introduce the latest innovative electronic products from China to the technology-savy Danish consumers using e-commerce channels. We are constantly scouting the Chinese market for latest technologies to be introduced to Denmark and EU.
3. Import design consumer goods and art items from China to Denmark and EU. We have the opportunity to conduct our sales activity over the e-commerce or using wholesale agreements with other retailer in Denmark. We are scouting and selecting products that bring convenience with new design concepts and are environmental friendly.
For more information please contact us:
DHX Trading, Soender Boulevard 61, 1.tv, 1720, Copenhagen V, Denmark
Telephone: +45 60 60 89 63