Twinkling Star was established in 1995. Our factory specializes in a variety of backpacks, travel bags, school bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, computer bags, document bags, waist bags, picnic bags, diaper bags, wallets, cosmetic bags, and medical bags. We export our products to Europe, America, and Australia and so on.
Our factory is located in Quanzhou Qingmeng Economic & Technical Area, which is a national grade development zone. We gathered a group of professional managers and skilled workers. Because of them, we can manufacture high quality products for our clients from all over the world.
Due to the great support of our old and new clients, nowadays our factory has had 13 production lines and enough production capacity to supply high quality products all over the world. We now have the great honor to manufacture high products for Carrefour, Walmart, JC Penny, Champion, Marlboro, etc.
We will try our best to manufacture first-rate products for the clients so as to establish long and firm and friendly business relationships with them. If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact us for more information. We do assure of our highest attention to any inquiry from you.