We are a company in Czech republic with many years of experience in acting on the czech and european market. Our 'holding' stucture allowes us to specialize on exactly required activities.
For our possible cooperation we offer the following key activities:
1) Logistics
- transport - we handle 40 trucks
- storage&handling - we handle
10.000 m2 of stocks
- pallet economy
- packing economy
- containers - means of transport
And commercial goods
2) Business activity
- we are an affiliate of IT
Communication company from
- we sell spare parts for trucks
3) Consultancy
- we provide proffesional
Consultancy in the field of
Stock equipment, manipulation
Technology, packaging-bar codes-
Packing wrap
On the base of our current activities, we are able to broaden our services by further business possibilities in EXPORT-IMPORT including services(transportpackaging, storage etc. ) and realization of business network in the Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland etc.
Our excellent orientation on economical market of central european coutries in the field of logistics and current business activities gives us, together with financial stability of our company, good presumptions for other development. Following this purpose, we are seeking a suitable partner for longterm effective cooperation.
We are looking for someone who, together with us, naps and maps potential possibilities of both regions.
We are ready to enter the business proceeding in the shortest possible horizon.