SC WOODEN PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING SDN. BHD._Wood,Pallet,Plywood Box,Inno Box,Wood Products_Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    • Wood,Pallet,Plywood Box,Inno Box,Wood Products
      jalan sellatheven, klang, Selangor, Malaysia
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns
    • Ng Lee·Ting
      1. Company Manager
    • Telephone:60-3-51624633
    • Fax:60-3-51624636
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    About Us

    SC Wooden Company

    Started in 1974, SC Wooden Products Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Syarikat Perniagaan See Cheng) has evolved from a cottage-industry company into a full-fledged modern manufacturing company with a built-up factory and warehouse area of more than 500,000 squarefeet.

    SC Wooden is both a manufacturer and provider of Wooden Products and Wooden Packaging Services in Malaysia and for international market. We manufacture various types of wooden products that compliant with ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and ISPM 15 (International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures) standard for domestic and international shipping. With our in-house heat treating chamber that utilize the kiln drying techniques, we are capable to produce all kinds of ISPM-15 certified products like Wooden Packaging Cases or crates, air-freight box, Wooden Pallet and others.

    In view of the standard requirement set by WHO (World Health Organization), we are gearing towards using environmentally friendly timber - Acacia Mangium Wood in some of our products. Acacia Mangium is an eco-friendly wood from the controlled and sustainable Malaysia forest plantation. We source these materials only from the reputable and reliable suppliers to ensure our products are completely safe and meet the stringent requirements for domestic and export consumption.

    SC Wooden Team

    Our Management & production lines features competent builders who are led by a core team of dedicated and highly experienced staffs who are consistently proven themselves in promoting the growth and success of the company.

    SC Wooden Plants & Products

    To ensure the highest quality of products and to fulfill all the customers',needs, our factory is equipped with the latest and the most comprehensive production systems and machineries for various kinds of wooden products manufacturing. (sentence structure changed)

    Our wide array of wooden products and services covered heavy and light duty, and which can be classified as:-

    Wooden Packaging - Various types and sizes of Wooden Packaging Cases, fumigated or heat treated in accordance with ISPM 15 international standard. Our Wooden Packaging Services can be catered to suit your specific needs.

    Innowood - Our Innowood products are economical, biodegradable and meeting ISPM 15 standard. They are moulded products made from wood fibres and synthetic resins under high heats and pressures. Products we carry include: compressed Wooden Pallet, compressed wooden storage boxes and wire / cable drum.

    Acasiana - All SC Acasiana products are made of Acacia Mangium, an environmentally friendly hardwood from Malaysia forest farms which is well-known for its density and durability, making it highly suitable to use in furniture parts, both interior and exterior furniture, such as: Finger joint / butt joint wood, flooring / paneling wood, lamination board, Basin countertop, cutting board / chopping board, door plate, veneer, MDF Board, chalet & gazebo and more.

    Interested? Contact us today & we look forward to be your quality partners.

    Company Detailed Information
    • Year of Registration:
    • Scale of Company:
      101 - 200 People
    • Annual Turnover:
      2.5~5 million dollars
    • Export Percentage:
      51% - 60%
    • Export Model:
      No Provide
    • ISO certification:
      No Provide
    • Nature of Business:
    • Main Products:
      Wood,Pallet,Plywood Box,Inno Box,Wood Products
    • Export Markets:
      Southeast Asia:70.00%|Northern Europe:5.00%|Western Europe:5.00%
    Company Certificate
    Company Image Display