Shanghai Allocacoc Industrial Design Co., Ltd._PowerCube,audioCube,USBCable,PowerUSB HUB,PowerBank_Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    • Shanghai Allocacoc Industrial Design Co., Ltd. Follow
    • PowerCube,audioCube,USBCable,PowerUSB HUB,PowerBank
      Rm. 815, No. 2, Lane 1518, Jinshajiang Road, Putuo Dist., Shanghai, China (Mainland)
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns
    • Jeffrey·Cheng
      1. Company Manager
    • Telephone:86-021-61254079
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    About Us

    Allocacoc was founded by Yixia Jiang and Arthur Limpens, two industrial design engineers from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

    Since its inception, Allocacoc focuses on setting a different standard. Such a standard is not limited to a country's borders, so we had a strong international focus already from the beginning. In fact, our first order did not even come from the Netherlands, but from Germany.

    2010--Allocacoc was established in Delft, the Netherlands, aiming to set "a different standard."

    2011--Production facilities set up in Suzhou, China.

    2012--Allocacoc office established in California, USA.

    2014--Allocacoc office established in Shanghai, China.

    --In the same year, the PowerCube received the RedDot Design Award.

    --The PowerBar was rewarded with the GIO Design Award in the Netherlands.

    2015--Product development center established in Shenzhen, China.

    --Allocacoc office established in Tokyo, Japan.

    --PowerCube Remote rewarded with the 2015 CITE Innovation Design Award and Computex Design and Innovation Award.

    Our company vision:

    a different standard.Eventually we want to get at least one of our products into every household worldwide, from the richest household in NYC to the most remote one in Malawi.

    This is a very ambitious vision, which influences everything we do, from design up to production and sales.

    With only a nice shape we will not be able to create a change.This is why functionality is important: a product should offer a solution to a problem that current products on the market do not address.

    We pay close attention to the cost: it needs to be affordable for the end user to buy the product. Only when these two criteria are met will it be worthwhile for the end user to adapt the different standard.

    Our products should also be widely available: from the largest hypermarket to the smallest neighborhood convenience store. This means that we need a well defined distribution model, with a clear role and value for every link in the distribution chain.

    Our company culture -- Openness, Respect and Equality

    Eventually we want to get at least one of our products into every household worldwide, from the richest household in NYC to the most remote one in Malawi.

    A different standard does not stop at just our products. It bleeds into everything we do.

    Flexibility and openness are reigning themes at our offices. We have several offices worldwide, spanning multiple continents. We have adopted the open workspace concept at each of our office, as this promotes easy communication and collaboration among the employees. Our offices are very open, with no separate "director's office": everyone sits at the same table. Take our Shanghai office for example: this is designed as a bar. There is no such thing as assigned seating, everyone is free to sit wherever they want, improving internal communication.

    However employees that do seek privacy are given options to do so. There is no strict hierarchy, everyone is encouraged to bring up new ideas, which are often also implemented. Managers are not there to control but rather to encourage teamwork, independent thinking and innovation. This results in a very dedicated team. We often do not refer to Allocacoc as a company, but rather as a family.

    Company Detailed Information
    • Year of Registration:
    • Scale of Company:
      101 - 200 People
    • Annual Turnover:
      10~50 million dollars
    • Export Percentage:
      71% - 80%
    • Export Model:
      Using an agent
    • ISO certification:
    • Nature of Business:
      Manufacturer,Trading Company
    • Main Products:
      PowerCube,audioCube,USBCable,PowerUSB HUB,PowerBank
    • Export Markets:
      North America:18.00%|Southeast Asia:12.00%|Oceania:11.00%
    Company Certificate
    Company Image Display