HALDIN PACIFIC SEMESTA PT_Tea and Coffee Extracts,Specialty Ingredients,Natural Sweeteners,Essential Oils,Cocoa and Vanilla Extracts_Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    • Tea and Coffee Extracts,Specialty Ingredients,Natural Sweeteners,Essential Oils,Cocoa and Vanilla Extracts
      Jl. Irian V Blok MM-2 Kawasan Industri MM-2100 Cibitung, Bekasi, Propinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns
    • Annisa·Syifa
      1. Company Manager
    • Telephone:62-21-89981788
    • Fax:62-21-89981789
    • Website:http://www.haldin-natural.com
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        Richie·Zhang TONLY Sales Director
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      1. 深圳市骄阳展示用品有限公司
      2. 深圳市龙华镇沙吓南方明珠工业园A栋5楼
      1. 广州贝伽电子科技有限公司
      2. 中国·广州市花地大道南113号
      1. 中山市创宇五金脚轮有限公司
      2. 广东省中山市东凤镇民乐工业区豪通路
      1. Guangzhou Vinwoo Trade Co., Ltd.
      2. Room 2304, New Century Business Center, No. 2-6, Hongde Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
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    About Us

    Established in 1987 Haldin International INC. Began as importer of Indonesian Vanilla beans and later expanded its product line to include essential oil to meet the needs of the Flavor & Fragrance industry in the North America region. Today, with the formulation of Haldin Pacific Semesta Indonesia, Haldin has successfully assumed the role as a global supplier who offers complete and wider range of natural ingredients products for its customers throughout Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, and South America. Most of the raw materials are procured originally in Indonesia. We employ a very strict quality control in each processing step from raw materials to final products. Our laboratory, staffed with highly qualified individuals, is well equipped with modern tools such as Gas Chromatography, GC Mass Spectrometry, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, as well as microbiology testing unit. We are currently serving the industries of: Beverage & Confectionary, Flavors & Fragrances, Nutraceuticals & Pharmaceuticals, as well as Cosmetics.

    Company Detailed Information
    • Year of Registration:
      No Provide
    • Scale of Company:
      201 - 300 People
    • Annual Turnover:
      Less than 1 million dollars
    • Export Percentage:
      No Provide
    • Export Model:
      No Provide
    • ISO certification:
      No Provide
    • Nature of Business:
    • Main Products:
      Tea and Coffee Extracts,Specialty Ingredients,Natural Sweeteners,Essential Oils,Cocoa and Vanilla Extracts
    • Export Markets:
      Western Europe:11.11%|Eastern Asia:11.11%|Mid East:11.11%
    Company Certificate
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