LLC "Aviastar"_russian aviation parts,russian aviation hoses,russian aviation metalweare,MI-8 Mi-171 MI-26 helicopter parts_Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS - 江南娱乐客服
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    • LLC "Aviastar" Follow
    • russian aviation parts,russian aviation hoses,russian aviation metalweare,MI-8 Mi-171 MI-26 helicopter parts
      Ziryanovskaya, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns
    • Vladimir·Antonov
      1. Company Manager
    • Telephone:8107-383-3819630
    • Fax:7
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      1. 深圳市骄阳展示用品有限公司
      2. 深圳市龙华镇沙吓南方明珠工业园A栋5楼
      1. 广州贝伽电子科技有限公司
      2. 中国·广州市花地大道南113号
      1. Qingdao Wonderful Trading Co., Ltd.
      2. Yihe International, No. 10, Hongkong Middle Road, Shinan Area, Qingdao, Shandong, China (Mainland)
      1. Dongguan Zhuoyue Textile Company Limited
      2. No. 18, Changping Avenue, Changping Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
      Company Promotion
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    About Us

    We are engaged in complex deliveries of spare parts and units for the Russian helicopters MI-8, MI-8MTV, MI-17, MI-171. Working directly with manufacturers of spare parts and units helicopters we can offer airlines lowest prices on the market without loss of product quality. Also we are engaged in the organization of major repair of aggregates of helicopters on the Russian aircraft repair enterprises.We hope for long and mutually beneficial cooperation. Waiting for your requests.

    Below is a list of some products we can supply (this is not the whole list):

    TV3-117 engine,

    AI-9V engine,

    8-1930-00 - the main rotor hub,

    8-1950-00 - cyclic pitch control,

    8A-1516-00 - tail shaft,

    246-1517-00 - tail gearbox,

    8A-1515-00 - intermediate gear,

    56-1400-00 - brake rotor,

    VR-14 main gearbox,

    8A-6314-00-the drive shaft,

    246-3904-000 - tail rotor,

    140-0800-00 - frame of the main gearbox,

    B8-BP-000 - glass crew front side,

    8AT-0200-00-551 - glass cockpit,

    8AT-0200-00-553 - glass cockpit,

    8AT-0200-00-63 - glass cockpit,

    AT-0200-00-64 - glass cockpit,

    AT-0200-00-65 - glass cockpit,

    AT-0200-00-71 - the glass cockpit,

    AT-0200-00-72 - glass cockpit,

    AT-0200-00-400 - glass cockpit,

    246-3925-00 blade tail rotor,

    246-3922-00 blade tail rotor,

    8AT-2710-00 rotor blades,

    8A-4101-A-1(2) - absorber of the main chassis of the right (left),

    8A-4101-A - absorber front,

    8A-4701-00 - absorber rear supports,

    14A-595x185 -tire,

    1A-865x280 -tire,

    8A-5200-110-3 -control cable,

    8A-5200-110-5 -control cable,

    8A-5200-110-15 -control cable,

    8A-5200-110-17 -control cable,

    140-5200-110-47 -control cable,

    8A-5200-110-19 -control cable,

    140-5200-110-49 -control cable,

    8A-5200-110-21 -control cable,

    140-5200-110-51-control cable,

    8A-5200-110-23 -control cable,

    140-5200-110-23 -control cable,

    8A-5200-110-25 -control cable,

    8A-5700-20- control cable,

    8A-5700-20-1 - control cable,

    KAY-30B - hydraulic actuator,

    RA-60A - hydraulic actuator,

    KAY-115B - hydraulic actuator,

    140-7410-10 - wire anti-icing systems,

    140-7410-20 - wire anti-icing systems,

    8M-7410-05 - wire anti-icing systems,

    8AT-7421-210 - wire anti-icing systems.

    Company Detailed Information
    • Year of Registration:
      No Provide
    • Scale of Company:
      5 - 10 People
    • Annual Turnover:
      Less than 1 million dollars
    • Export Percentage:
      No Provide
    • Export Model:
      No Provide
    • ISO certification:
      No Provide
    • Nature of Business:
      Trading Company
    • Main Products:
      russian aviation parts,russian aviation hoses,russian aviation metalweare,MI-8 Mi-171 MI-26 helicopter parts
    • Export Markets:
      No Provide
    Company Certificate
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